Self-Reflection- Final Word
One final word... This class helped me develop a better overall understanding of how to approach teaching language arts at writing lesson plans. Multigenre text sets and annotated bibliographies were two concepts where I completely lacked familiarity. Although it was somewhat challenging to develop an understanding, I'm better off moving forward because I now know how to assemble text sets and annotate bibliographies. Those resources will aide me as a Language Arts/English teacher.
Another aspect that was challenging was writing and developing lesson plans. It has always been a struggle for me, but this class gave me a better idea how to approach lesson plans, as well as assembling a micro unit of study, in the future. Other activities like reading theories and methods, creating Powerpoints, and conducting an author study can be utilized in my teaching. In a classroom setting, all aspects of the class can be incorporated, so for those useful concepts I learned, I'm thankful. I learned a little bit more about myself in terms of managing time, adjusting to assignments, and aligning activities and lessons to standards and objectives.
Not much was "known" on my end entering the course. But the one major takeaway that I previously knew, or was familiar with, was the texts. Reviewing some works I read years or over a decade ago was a trip down memory lane. The nostalgic aspect of the assignments made it more fun, even if it was already worth it.
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