
Self-Reflection- Final Word

One final word... This class helped me develop a better overall understanding of how to approach teaching language arts at writing lesson plans. Multigenre text sets and annotated bibliographies were two concepts where I completely lacked familiarity. Although it was somewhat challenging to develop an understanding, I'm better off moving forward because I now know how to assemble text sets and annotate bibliographies. Those resources will aide me as a Language Arts/English teacher.  Another aspect that was challenging was writing and developing lesson plans. It has always been a struggle for me, but this class gave me a better idea how to approach lesson plans, as well as assembling a micro unit of study, in the future. Other activities like reading theories and methods, creating Powerpoints, and conducting an author study can be utilized in my teaching. In a classroom setting, all aspects of the class can be incorporated, so for those useful concepts I learned, I'm thankf...

Powerpoint Presentation

Below are the slide from my presentation to the principal and fellow teachers:

Annotated Bibliography- Graphic Novels and Comics

Chmakova, S. (2015).  awkward . New York, NY: Yen Press.  Reading level: Grades 6-8 Themes: Coming of Age, friendship, survival.  Summary: Penelope "Peppi" Torres' first day at a new school starts with a stumble. When she trips into Jaime and his books fly everywhere, she realizes he is the butt of jokes at the school. Her two cardinal rules for surviving school include: don't get noticed by the mean kids, seek out groups with similar interests and join them. It's a rough start for her. Peppi and Jaime, with the help of others in the art club and school, eventually turn the tide of the school dynamic despite a series of awkward encounters that display the realities of middle school. In the end, after the tables are turned by a bully teasing Peppi and Jaime, a third rule is written: "Build. Build things. Build friendships. Build yourself. Bit by little bit. It may feel like you're not adding that much...but in the end it will add up to a ...

Annotated Bibliography- Magazine Articles

Brown, B. (2017, December). Removing the veil.  Junior Scholastic , 6-7. Reading level: Grades 6-8 Theme: Oppression.  Summary: Stemming from a new, proposed law in Quebec that would restrict Muslims from wearing veils in public, Brown examines cultural identity and religious freedom while giving a guide to Muslim veils. The controversy is between safeguarding cultural values and biased views. Although America is not perfect, there is greater acceptance of religious freedom than other counties, but the usually accepting Canada may go back on its promise for fairness. The guide describes the burqa, niqab, abaya, chador, and hijab.  Brown, B. (2018, February). The Civil Rights hero you've never heard of.  Junior Scholastic , 18-21. Reading level: Grades 6-8 Theme: Oppression.  Summary: Brown chronicles the story of Elizabeth Jennings, an African-American woman who was thrown off a bus at the age of 27 in 1854. In segregated New York, aft...

Annotated Bibliography- Biographies

Caravantes, P. (2006). Deep Woods: The Story of Robert Frost . Greensboro, NC: Morgan Reynolds Publishing. Reading level: Grades 6-8 Themes: Family, Nature, the road not taken.  Summary: Caravantes chronicles the life of famed New England poet, Robert Frost. Frost, who was born in California, moved to the East coast after his father died. "Robbie" loved the New England landscape as a youngster and would go on to use the setting in his poetry. Frost barely provided for his family by farming and teaching until his poetry took off. He attended Darmouth and Harvard, but didn't graduate, and would go on to teach at the college level and be awarded 26 honorary degrees. He won four Pultizer Prizes, but his family life was not as glamorous. His mother, sister, and one of his daughters suffered from mental illness and were sent to asylums. Frost's depression was evident, even more so when his only son committed suicide. Frost, who read at the inauguration of Joh...

Annotated Bibliography- Short Stories and poetry

Dahl, R. (1959).  The Landlady . New York, NY:  The New Yorker .  Reading level: Grades 6-12. Themes: Dark humor, Fear, Manipulation, Mothering, Secrecy.  Summary: In this short story, Dahl's macabre tale chronicles the final day of seventeen-year-old Billy Weaver, who is traveling from London to Bath for business. He arrives at 9 p.m. and is looking for lodging for the night before he has to report to work tomorrow. He stumbles upon a bed and breakfast that looks welcoming from the outside and more comfortable than a hotel. After weighing his options, he is drawn in by the notion of a bed and breakfast, rings to bell, and is immediately greeted by a middle aged woman. With a cheaper rate than The Bell and Dragon pub and boarding house, Billy is enticed to stay. Billy is welcomed by the  peculiar woman, who has the room ready for unexpected guests. Billy is told to sign the guest book, but only notices two other names in the records, Christopher Mulholl...

Annotated Bibliography- Historical Fiction

Collier, J.L. and Collier, C. (1974).  My Brother Sam is Dead . New York, NY: Scholastic. Reading level: Grades 6-12. Themes: War, Family, Courage, Coming of Age. Summary: With the Revolutionary War on the horizon, Sam Meeker returns home from Yale to his family's tavern in Redding, Connecticut a recently converted believer in the Patriot cause. Sam's parents are loyal to the crown, and his younger brother, Tim, looks up to him. Narrated from Tim's point of view, the Colliers take readers on a gut-wrenching portrayal of a family at odds during war. Sam takes his father's gun and runs away from home as Tim fights emotions split between his brother's yearning for an independent nation and his father's loyalist views. With rebel soldiers looking for local militia and arms, Tim visits Sam's hideout looking for the gun. They return to their parents, but it's the start of a summer filled with chaos. With Sam enlisted with the minuteman army, an a tri...