Welcome to Matt McDonough's E-Reader's Notebook
This blog is designed and maintained by me, Matt McDonough, a graduate student in the School of Education at the University of Bridgeport. I am pursuing a master's degree and a career in education as a secondary English teacher. I am from Hamden, CT and hold a journalism degree from UConn. My professional experience includes four years working in school systems, and I am currently an intern at Harborside Middle School in Milford, CT. The posts on this blog will correlate with the course Adolescent Lit., taught by Professor Judith Moeller in the Fall 2018 semester. Posts will chronicle essays, genre text sets, lesson activity, and multi-genre thematic young adult one-week unit of studies for middle school and high school students, as described in the syllabus. I enjoy reading literature, creative writing, novels, biographies, memoirs, poetry, and short stories. Most of what I read for pleasure is sports-related, but enjoy reading works across most genres. I look forwar...